About the Southwest Michigan Bikeway We are devoting a web page to describing one of the largest regional networks of transportation and destination-oriented bike routes in the USA, starting right here from an effort begun in 2012 in our own Kalamazoo area metropolitan planning organization.
Amazing cycle super highways Innovative ideas and current facilities in England, France, Netherlands, Norway and Spain
America’s Top 50 Bike-Friendly Cities Also lists of top foreign bike friendly cities and US bike-friendly cities with under 100,000 population.
A New Design For San Francisco’s Grand Thoroughfare [Market Street] Is Finally Emerging Article on street redesign that includes protected bike lanes.
Anti-Harassment Ordinances Empower People On Bikes Article on the spread of laws aimed at reducing harassment of bicyclists.
Atlanta Streets Alive Example of “bike hop” event in the US; links to others
Baltimore’s Safety City & Traffic Gardens Examples of miniature city used to train children about traffic safety, also known as “Traffic Gardens;” the links illustrate two examples out of many found in a growing number of cities
Bicycle-only Traffic Light Signal Example photographed in London, England; used in the USA in cities like Los Angeles, Madison, Pittsburg and Philadelphia.
Bicycle-only Traffic Signal Sequence Example of a traffic signal allowing bicyclists to cross a busy intersection in Groningen, Netherlands. It is noteworthy that helmets are not commonly worn in parts of the world.
Bicycle Friendly Communities Spring 2016 List of Current Bicycle Friendly Communities from the League of American Bicyclists. Updated spring/fall.
Bike Parking Resources Round up of resources for bike parking. Explores real-world examples of quality parking implementations.
Calgary’s Quick Build Protected Bike Lane Network Doubled Bike Counts in Three Months Description, map and statistics describing the network of protected bike lanes in downtown Calgary.
Car Lanes to Become Bike Lane on 2 Major New York City Bridges Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to add bike lanes on the Brooklyn and the Queensboro Bridges to encourage cycling as the city recovers from the pandemic.
Clearing Snow From Protected Bike Lanes Research covering a variety of methods for clearing snow from bike lanes that are physically separated from the adjacent street.
Complete Streets General Guidelines Report of the Road Commission for Oakland County, (Michigan) Complete Streets Review Committee; Sept 2012
Diversity and Bicycling – Leaders Directory This item has been moved to its own menu item under our About menu. Local, state and national leaders who participated in BFK’s virtual Diversity and Bicycling Leaders Meet & Greet on August 27, 2020, plus those joining this list of leaders since then (as updated from time to time).
Driving Change Media campaign in Grand Rapids, MI correlated to large improvements in safety, awareness. Key documents include a pre-post campaign analysis of results and a comprehensive pre-post survey that received more than 2,200 responses. Key marketing materials and themes included these resources such as brochures in English and Spanish. See also this link at Gud Marketing for a page containing further summaries, including a white paper you may download.
Driving Change Fact-based public service safety campaign in Kalamazoo County based on a five year analysis of crash types conducted by Western Michigan University’s Transportation Research Center For Livable Communities, with the creative work designed by Gud Marketing. Download the results of Bike Friendly Kalamazoo’s campaign HERE. See BFK’s web page created to address the three most common bicycle-motor vehicle crash types HERE. Download the three social media videos created by Gud Marketing here: Safe Passing, Intersection Safety and Visibility. This item is being covered more extensively on our Education and Safety tab.
Heinenoord bicycle tunnel Bicycles-only tunnel under the Oude Maas River near Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Hovenring Innovative circular cycling bridge, Netherlands
Mural An online tool allowing teams to think and collaborate visually. One of the tools used by MDOT in their bike facility planning sessions. An example may still be found here.
New ‘sharrows on steroids’ debut on Allston’s Brighton Ave. Shared lane markings in Boston, MA
New York City’s Bike Facility Marketing NYC’s Department of Transportation maintains web pages promoting the city as bike friendly.
One-Day Protected Bike Lanes How to test protected bike lanes on a very temporary (one-day) basis using a “pop-up” protected bikeway.
Open Streets events are spreading like crazy Article with links to bike related events in New York City, LA, and other cities, and other resources, based on the “ciclovia” concept.
Promoting Active Communities Michigan Fitness Foundation sponsors a set of guidelines and award program related to how communities can promote fitness in Michigan. “[A]ny Michigan village, township, charter township, or city that completes the PAC assessment receives one of five awards levels, from Honorable Mention to Platinum.” See Governor’s Fitness Award for many related awards.
Protected Intersections Design for protecting bicyclists and pedestrians at intersections involving protected bike lanes.
Regional Bike Routes Are For Everybody Benefits of bike routes and reasons to sign a bike route network; PowerPoint presentation meant for users to modify to fit the occasion.
South Korean Bikeway Has A 20 Mile Solar Roof Solar panels provide shade for bikers commuting between two cities, power the highway’s lighting system, as well as charging points for electric cars.
Streetmix Online multi-modal street cross-section planning tool. Allows easy placement and scaling of a variety of facilities including lanes for motor vehicles, bicycles, sidewalks for pedestrians, room for buffers, trees and many more. Used by MDOT in their bike facility training sessions.
The Future of Transportation Ideas, studies and examples available in an eBook format from CityLab.
Tenji Blocks Article describes how tactile paving blocks (“tenji blocks”) help the visually impaired to navigate cities and public spaces.
Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Slides and text explaining a variety of pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure changes, with comments on how travelers responded to some of them. Select the link to this Powerpoint presentation once the main page opens.
Volvo LifePaint makes cyclists safer by making them more visible LifePaint is “practically invisible during the day, but when light hits it at night, things shine a vibrant white” … making this an idea for bicyclists riding at night on the wrong side of the road, dressed in dark colors with no lights?
Western Michigan University’s Bicycle Friendly Feedback Report – 2014 Example of the type of feedback provided to Western Michigan University as part of the American League of Bicyclists’ Bike Friendly University award process, at the end of which WMU received an Honorable Mention Bike Friendly University (BFU) award (making it the first BFU at the time, for any institution of higher learning in Michigan west of Lansing).