Bike Friendly Kalamazoo is pleased to announce our bike training instructor development and scholarship program! Its goal is to increase the educational opportunities in our greater community by developing a core of qualified and certified instructors who can train others in how to safely and confidently ride a bicycle. Our League Cycling Instructor (LCI) Training Scholarship program is aimed at significantly reducing the costs of enrolling in the LCI program offered by the League of American Bicyclists and its prerequisite course (Smart Cycling), removing a barrier to entry. In a related effort, we are working with many civic partners to bring both the LCI training and its prerequisite Smart Cycling training to our greater community.
Scholarship Expansion Update. BFK is pleased to announce that we are expanding our scholarship program to include financial assistance for enrollment in other worthy bicycling skills training programs. We are making this possible on a case by case basis. Please Contact Us to discuss your needs and ideas.
Bike Friendly Kalamazoo
League Cycling Instructor (LCI) Training Scholarship
Overview & Application
Bike Friendly Kalamazoo’s LCI Training Scholarship applications are due April 2; a second round is due August 2*; a special third round is due October 2*. Scholarships will be awarded 30-60 days after each round closes. Please review the following Bike Friendly Kalamazoo (BFK) Training Scholarship goals and evaluation criteria in preparing your application. *Additional rounds may be offered due to the uncertainty of when LCI training will be offered, and uncertainties surrounding public health issues; please check this page from time to time.
BFK Training Scholarship Goals:
- Increase the number of League of American Bicyclists’ (LAB) certified League Cycling Instructors (LCIs) within BFK’s general geographic footprint
- Increase the number of bicycle skills training programs and student contact hours
- Promote good will towards bicycling in the community
- Improve bicycle safety.
Grant requests will be evaluated on meeting the four Goals, as well as:
- The total amount requested at any one time does not exceed $500.00
- The request has documented local support from related civic authorities and organizations
- BFK is comfortable funding the request.
An applicant will increase the chances for obtaining a scholarship with the following considerations:
- Residents within BFK’s general geographic footprint (approximately 12 miles of Kalamazoo County; includes a number of communities)
- Ability / Commitment to conduct ongoing bicycle skills training following eventual LCI certification.
Our intention is to award as many scholarships as possible to qualified candidates. (It is possible but not certain that BFK will make available modest funds to offset the costs of ongoing LCI credentialing and modest honoraria for training program delivery, at a later date.) BFK reserves the right to award all, none or some of the scholarship requested, and the right to pay the scholarship directly to LAB.
All individuals requesting funds should expect a member of the BFK Training Scholarship committee or its board to contact them by email with questions concerning their proposal. A prompt response to questions and requests for additional information from an applicant is essential for scholarship consideration. Consequently, an email address is required for our scholarship requests.
The entire application must be submitted by email attachment in Word or PDF format to:; that date will be used as the submission date. In addition, all BFK Training Scholarship requestors are required to mail the signed form to the BFK Training Scholarship Committee, postmarked within seven days of the emailed application. The mailing address is:
Attn: LCI / Smart Cycling Training Scholarship Application
Bike Friendly Kalamazoo
PO Box 22
Portage, MI 49002
Thank you for your interest in helping to make our entire community even more bicycle friendly!